
1. bluetooth.ble_settings(..., adv_man_name, adv_dev_name, ...)

adv_man_name: manufacturer name 
adv_dev_name: device name

2. bluetooth.ble_adv_enable(bool)

Function Explanation: Start broadcast and stop broadcast.

    True — start broadcast
    False — stop broadcast

3. bluetooth.init()

Function Explanation: Initiate the Bluetooth subsystem. If you only call Deinit(), then you just need to call init().

4. bluetooth.deinit()

Function Explanation: Shut down Bluetooth, which does not return the BT stack to a lower state due to the current limitations of IDF.

5. bluetooth.connect(bda)

Function Explanation: GATTC - connect to remote GATTS server.

BDA: remote address
    6 bytes, return to a GATTCConn object.

6. bluetooth.Service(uuid,is_primary = True)

Function Explanation: GATTS - create a new GATTSService object.

uuid: an integer or a byte (16). In GATTS, the UUID is globally unique. If you try to create a service with an existing (unclosed) UUID, you will receive the same service object but it will not create a new service.


Function Explanation: GATTS - return to the current GATTS service.

8. bluetooth.conns()

Function Explanation: GATTC - return to the current all clients connection.

9. bluetooth.callback(callback,callback_data)

Function Explanation: Set callback functions of Bluetooth objects level.

callback: callback function
    could be set to None
callback_data: parameters to callback

10. bluetooth.scan_start()

Function Explanation: Check GATTS device. You need to set Bluetooth object callback to get the scanning result.

11. bluetooth.scan_stop()

Function Explanation: GATTC - stop scannning in advance.If call it before scanning, you will not receive an event bluetooth.SCAN_CMPL.

12. bluetooth.is_scanning()

Function Explanation: GATTC - return to True if the scanning is active.

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